Bing's Natural Health

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Can Acupuncture help with long covid?

Video: Acupuncture is helping with long covid symptoms in the US.

Brain fog and relentless fatigue seem to be two common, frustrating and lingering symptoms that long covid suffers have. The current medical advice is to rest. But the rest is not replenishing or restorative. In fact, sleeping issues can be another symptom of long covid.

We have been able to provide some relief from these symptoms by using acupuncture, moxa and Chinese herbs at Bing's Natural Health. Recovery is a slow but steady progression. Our long covid clients report that they are consistently feeling better after each session.

We have been helping to relieve these long covid symptoms:

  • lift the brain fog to allow clearer thoughts

  • lift the brain fog to allow improved focus and concentration

  • reducing the overwhelming fatigue

  • improving quality of sleep

  • helping people to get back to work sooner

  • relieving dry cough and hoarse voice

  • reduce dizziness

The most difficult symptom to resolve consistently is the loss of taste and smell. For some clients, we have been able to resolve it completely, and for other clients it is very stubborn and continues to linger.

I attended a webinar on long covid at the start of the year. I wanted to be better informed and to be better prepared to help clients with long covid. Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long tradition of using chinese herbal formulas for pandemics in ancient China before pharmaceuticals were invented and widely available. Some of the chinese herbs and formulas may be relevant in our fight against covid and future pandemics.

In Hong Kong where Chinese herbs and western medicine exist side-by-side as adjunctive medicine, the government is providing Chinese herbal formulas alongside RATs and face masks as part of their covid strategy. We are getting real-life data from the effectiveness of different Chinese herbal formulas for the different stages and symptoms of different strains of covid.

As we know, Covid is proving to be a tricky virus that attacks multiple systems within the body. One method of attack by the covid virus seems to cause inflammation within these systems. This gives rise to the numerous and varying symptoms experienced by covid patients and long haul covid sufferers. It is unknown why long covid occurs in some covid patients and not in others, but research is still on-going. A recent news article in the guardian mentioned that less than 1 in 3 people who had been hospitalised in the UK have recovered completely from covid

The recommended integrative medicine treatments mentioned in the webinar combined western medicine, vitamins, Chinese herbs, nutrition and lots of rest. There are people trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together using existing therapies so we can better help